Sustainability Appraisal
The Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires that a Sustainability Appraisal is carried out during the production of all Local Development Documents (LDDs). Sustainability Appraisal also includes the needs of the EU Directive on Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA).
Sustainability Appraisals look at the possible social, economic and environmental effects of plans. This is done by assessing the document against a set of 'sustainability objectives'. A screening process is used to say whether the plans will have any significant effects on the environment. If it is thought that there will not be any significant effects, the Sustainability Appraisal will not need to include a full report, but will still look at environmental issues.
The sustainability appraisal informs plan preparation through an iterative process which ensures that the options selected are, on balance the most sustainable when social, economic and environmental issues are considered. Each draft of our documents have been subject to a sustainability appraisal at an early stage, and where appropriate, recommendations from the appraisal have been used to revise the content of our plans.
Metrogreen Area Action Plan SA Scoping Report May 2019 (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)
SA Scoping report - Making Spaces for Growing Places (PDF, 581 KB)(opens new window)
One Core Strategy Sustainability Appraisal Report (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)
Urban Core Area Action Plan Sustainability Appraisal Report (PDF, 2 MB)(opens new window)
NewcastleGateshead SA Scoping Report April 2010 (PDF, 4 MB)(opens new window)
Vision 2030 Draft SA Report March 2009 (PDF, 185 KB)(opens new window)
Core Strategy and Urban Core Plan Sustainability Appraisal Report (PDF, 2 MB)(opens new window)
Contact us
Spatial Planning and Housing Strategy
Development and Enterprise
Gateshead Council
Civic Centre
Regent Street
0191 433 3000