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Public health

Our aim to make sure everyone in Gateshead has access to the services and information they need to support a healthy lifestyle.

Stay healthy

Find information and services to help you look after your physical and mental health, including help to stop smoking and advice on alcohol and drugs, diet and exercise, sexual health, mental wellbeing and more. 

Find out more about staying healthy

Gateshead health and wellbeing strategy

By working together we want to make Gateshead a place where everyone thrives.

Read the strategy

Gateshead health and wellbeing strategy

publichealthstrategy__aim-1 publichealthstrategy__aim-1 Aim 1 publichealthstrategy__aim-2 publichealthstrategy__aim-2 Aim 2 publichealthstrategy__aim-3 publichealthstrategy__aim-3 Aim 3 publichealthstrategy__aim-4 publichealthstrategy__aim-4 Aim 4 publichealthstrategy__aim-5 publichealthstrategy__aim-5 Aim 5 publichealthstrategy__aim-6 publichealthstrategy__aim-6 Aim 6

Aim 1

Give every child the best start in life, with a focus on conception to age two

Read more  (Go to Aim 1)

Aim 2

Enable all children, young people and adults to maximise their capabilities and have control over their lives

Read more  (Go to Aim 2)

Aim 3

Create the conditions for fair employment and good work for all

Read more  (Go to Aim 3)

Aim 4

Ensure a healthy standard of living for all, in accordance with international law on economic and social rights

Read more  (Go to Aim 4)

Aim 5

Create and develop sustainable places and communities

Read more  (Go to Aim 5)

Aim 6

Strengthen the role and impact of ill health prevention

Read more  (Go to Aim 6)
Aim 1 Aim 1

Aim 1

Give every child the best start in life, with a focus on conception to age two

Read more  (Go to Aim 1)
Aim 2 Aim 2

Aim 2

Enable all children, young people and adults to maximise their capabilities and have control over their lives

Read more  (Go to Aim 2)
Aim 3 Aim 3

Aim 3

Create the conditions for fair employment and good work for all

Read more  (Go to Aim 3)
Aim 4 Aim 4

Aim 4

Ensure a healthy standard of living for all, in accordance with international law on economic and social rights

Read more  (Go to Aim 4)
Aim 5 Aim 5

Aim 5

Create and develop sustainable places and communities

Read more  (Go to Aim 5)
Aim 6 Aim 6

Aim 6

Strengthen the role and impact of ill health prevention

Read more  (Go to Aim 6)

Public health in Gateshead

The role of our public health team is to commission and deliver a wide range of services, promote healthy living and tackle health inequalities.

Read more about public health in Gateshead

Director of Public Health Annual Reports

Every year, the Director of Public Health publishes a report highlighting how the health and lives of people in Gateshead are affected by a particular issue.

The reports bring together statistics and case studies to analyse the challenges faced by local people, review the progress we've made in tackling those issues and make recommendations for future work.

Read our annual reports