Event support
Guidance for people holding events
For most events we need 12 weeks notice to make sure you meet all statutory requirements.
For any event you plan on holding in Gateshead it is important that you complete the event enquiry form.
Once you have completed the above event enquiry form, you will need to send us your event plan (Word doc, 516 KB)(opens new window) to ensure that your event is run safely.
Events can include:
- charity fun runs
- music and food festivals
- fun fairs
We have broad and extensive experience of delivering world-class events across Gateshead.
If you are a corporate partner, community group or a charity we can provide advice and guidance to help you plan your event in Gateshead.
Advice also includes guidance on statutory requirements, such as:
- highways (road closure guidance)
- licensing (temporary event notice)
- health and safety issues
- registering for business opportunities with the council (catering, entertainment and more)
Our advice for event planners (PDF, 86 KB)(opens new window) document provides guidance on how to achieve a safe event and explains the role of the Safety Advisory Group.
If you have an event idea, or have held a previous event, complete and submit an event enquiry form to start your application.
Documents referred to in the events form
Event planning guidance (PDF, 4 MB)(opens new window)
Medical risk assessment matrix (Excel doc, 19 KB)
Example of a risk assessment (PDF, 46 KB)
Electrical safety guidance (Word doc, 43 KB)
Adverse weather conditions (PDF, 173 KB)
Police guidance and form for lost children. (PDF, 48 KB)
For further information about holding your event in Gateshead, you can contact us on 0191 433 3114 or at culture@gateshead.gov.uk.