Tell us your views about adult social care
You might want to compliment someone who has helped you, suggest ways we could do things better or make a complaint.
We will use compliments, comments and complaints to find out what is and is not working well, whether any of our processes need to be reviewed and to help us plan the way in which services could be delivered in future.
About our complaints process
We want to make sure that the care services we provide are always of a high quality. However sometimes things can go wrong. If this happens, we would like to hear from you.
We would like to know:
- what has happened
- how you or your family have been affected
- what you would like us to do to put things right
When we receive your complaint, we will:
- acknowledge your complaint within three working days
- tell you when you may expect a reply
Complaint investigation
- a manager in Adult Social Care will be appointed to look into your complaint - (the Investigating Officer).
- they will talk to you about your complaint and how you have been affected.
- they will talk to you about how long the investigation may take*
*Adult Social Care aim to respond to all complaints within 20 working days. However, when complaints are complex or include external agencies, the Investigating Officer may need to discuss with you an alternative date for response. This ensures that all complaint investigations and timescales are proportionate to the issues raised.
- they will carry out a full and through investigation into your complaint.
- once the investigation is complete, the investigating officer will respond to your complaint in writing.
- your letter will inform you of your next steps should you remain dissatisfied.
If you're still unhappy
You can contact:
- your MP
- your local councillor
- the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman
PO Box 4771
0300 061 0614
Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman - how to complain (opens new window)
Adult social care complaints leaflet (PDF, 61 KB)
Adult social care complaints and representations process (PDF, 264 KB)
Contact us
Compliments, Comments and Complaints
Commissioning, Performance and Service Development
Civic Centre
Regent Street
Include a daytime phone number so we can contact you.
0191 433 2615 / 0191 433 5502 during office hours (Monday to Thursday 9am to 5pm, Friday 9am to 4.30pm)