Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support electronic communications
When you make an application for Housing Benefit and/or Local Council Tax Support, we will accept electronic copies of your application and any supporting evidence you submit in certain circumstances.
- claims must be made on a tablet PC, laptop, mobile phone or desktop pc
- claims should be made using our online form or by a means specified as acceptable by the Direction of the Chief Executive
- report any changes of circumstance or by a face to face interview with a council officer, or you can email any changes to benefitenquiries@gateshead.gov.uk
- all forms must be fully completed and must be acceptable to the council
When you contact us you must include your name, address and date of birth, and if possible any reference numbers you may have.
We may need further information or documents in connection with the claim before it can be assessed or revised.
For example we may accept as evidence digital photographs or scanned images of notices and forms.
In certain circumstances, we will require original documents.
For full details about claiming electronically, please see the Direction of the Chief Executive (PDF) [142KB] (opens new window) .