Adult social care
On these pages you will find information, advice and guidance on a range of services that will support you and the people you care about to live a thriving life.
You are welcome to contact Adult Social Care Direct, but before you do, you may find services to support you on OurGateshead (opens new window) - Gateshead's community website.

Request a care assessment or a care and support review for you or someone you know.

Support available for disabled or older people in Gateshead to stay in their own home and live independently.

Find out about available options for people over 65 years.

Information on payments, personal budgets and direct payments.

Information and support for caregivers, including young caregivers.

Support for people with disabilities.
How to report suspected abuse and advice to keep you safe.

Information about travel and social activities to help you get out and about.

A directory of services which are commissioned by Gateshead Council.