Young people's organisations
There are a number of services and organisations for young people within Gateshead.
Gateshead Youth Assembly
This group of young people work with the decision makers in Gateshead to affect decisions made on behalf of all young people in Gateshead.
GYA gives young people a strategic link into decision making groups. The staff working with GYA support young people to develop civic and community awareness they do this by supporting young people to design, develop and deliver good quality social action.
The Young People design and deliver their own social action projects as well as take part in a full programme of personal development sessions which are chosen by the Young People.
Age range
When do they meet?
Weekly on Tuesdays 4pm - 7pm at Gateshead Youth Council, Gladstone Terrace, Gateshead, NE8 4DY
Gateshead Young Inspectors
Gateshead Young Inspectors are a group of young people who inspect Gateshead Council and other services aimed at children and young people to ensure they are fit for purpose.
This year the group are concentrating on inspecting the HAF (Holiday Activities with Food) programme for and with Gateshead Council.
Come along to get involved in a project that will give you skills, confidence and something unusual to put on your CV or personal statement, as well as meet new people and make friends.
Age range
When do they meet?
Weekly on a Wednesday 4pm - 6.30pm at Gateshead Youth Council, 11/12 Gladstone Terrace, Gateshead, NE8 4DY
Member of UK Youth Parliament
Gateshead has one seat on the UK Youth Parliament, which meets a couple of times a year to work on projects and campaigns determined following a large annual survey of young people.
In Gateshead, our Member of UKYP is elected every two years in a public online vote from a list of candidates who are current members of Gateshead Youth Assembly.
Age range
When do they meet?
The MYP will meet every week with the Gateshead Youth Assembly (GYA) and regularly with the rest of the regional MYPs either face to face or online.
Being MYP is quite a commitment, but many have been able to balance this with their studies to ace their A-levels (or equivalents) while gaining fantastic experience in parliament.
Gateshead SEND Youth Forum
The Gateshead SEND Youth Forum is a part of the overarching Gateshead SEND Children and Young People's Network. The Forum meets monthly and is open to all local children and young people with SEND, as well as those young people who have a genuine interest in improving SEND provisions.
Each meeting is joined by Gateshead's SEND Involvement Worker and a representative from the local NHS Integrated Care Board.
Age range
When do they meet?
Monthly - the last Thursday of every month
One Voice
One Voice meets weekly to discuss the issues affecting care experienced young people and to work on social action projects that the group identifies. OVYN is the strategic link between care experienced young people, Gateshead Council and partners. This means both groups support with the design of training to be delivered to foster carers, officers and elected members, as well as trainee social workers.
Older Voice also participate in the designing of training for relevant groups to share their experiences of care after leaving care. This includes supporting with the delivery of the council's care leavers app.
Age range
One Voice: 11-17
An Older Voice: 17+
When do they meet?
One Voice - Weekly on a Monday 4pm - 6pm at The Lobley Hill Building, Lobley Hill Road, Lobley Hill, Gateshead, NE11 0AL
An Older Voice - As and when required around the young people's schedules and priorities (e.g. higher education and work).