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Benefits support and advice

We have a number of teams who provide advice, guidance and support across welfare benefit and housing concerns.

Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support

Citizen Advice Gateshead can offer advice on how to claim, check you're claiming your full entitlements, and help you claim for any new or increased benefits.

Contact details

0808 278 7902

The Davidson Building
Swan Street

Financial advice for council tenants

Contact us

0191 433 6161

More about the help available from housing advice and support

Debt Advice Service

We deal with issues ranging from a small debt with one creditor to multiple debts with several creditors.

We can help with:

  • basic debt advice

  • negotiating with creditors to minimise future payments

  • insolvency solutions ranging from Debt Relief Orders to bankruptcy

We will explain all the options available and help you to plan a tailored debt management solution.

0191 433 6165

Vet bill assistance

The People's Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA) (opens new window) offers free veterinary care for cats, dogs and other small pets when owners cannot afford private vet bills.

You must contact the PDSA to register for this service. They will contact us with your permission, so we can confirm your eligibility. You do not need to come and see us to get a copy of your benefit letter.

Discretionary Housing Payment

In certain circumstances you can apply for a discretionary housing payment to help towards your rent.

External links

Age UK Gateshead (opens new window)

GOV.UK (opens new window)

Gateshead Council benefits calculator (opens new window)

DWP Homepage (opens new window)

Citizens Advice Gateshead (opens new window)

MoneyHelper (opens new window)

National Debtline (opens new window)

Shelter (Newcastle) (opens new window)

GOV.UK report loan sharks (opens new window)