A byelaw is a "rule made by a local authority to regulate its own affairs".
The power and procedure to make byelaws is provided by government legislation and all byelaws must be confirmed (approved) by the Secretary of State of the relevant government department unless statute specifies otherwise.
Breaching a byelaw is a criminal offence and an offender may be prosecuted in the Magistrates' Court or in some instances, as an alternative to prosecution, issued with a fixed penalty notice.
Amenity Land
Section-23-Housing-Act-1985 (PDF) [398KB] (opens new window)
Building Byelaw Public Health Act 1936 C (PDF) [325KB] (opens new window)
Building Byelaws Public Health Act 1936 - Section 1 (PDF) [7MB] (opens new window)
Building Byelaws Public Health Act 1936 - Section 2 (PDF) [6MB] (opens new window)
Building Byelaws Public Health Act 1936 - Section 3 (PDF) [6MB] (opens new window)
Building Byelaws Public Health Act 1936 - Section 4 (PDF) [6MB] (opens new window)
Building Byelaws Public Health Act 1936 - Section 5 (PDF) [6MB] (opens new window)
Building Byelaws Section 61 Public Health Act 1936 B (PDF) [577KB] (opens new window)
Building Byelaws Section 61 Public Health Act 1936 D (PDF) [4MB] (opens new window)
Dog Fouling Act 1996 (PDF) [848KB] (opens new window)
Section 10 Tyne and Wear Act 1980 (PDF) [94KB] (opens new window)
Employment of Children
Children Act 1972 Employment of Children Byelaw (PDF) [206KB] (opens new window)
Good Rule and Governance
Section 235 Local Government Act 1972 (PDF) [231KB] (opens new window)
Hackney Carriages
Hackney Carriages Byelaw (PDF) [571KB] (opens new window)
Public Libraries and Museums
Section 19 Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964 (PDF) [567KB] (opens new window)
Straw and Stubble Burning
S235 Local Government Act 1972 Nuisances (PDF) [367KB] (opens new window)
S235 Local Government Act 1972 Straw and Stubble Burning (PDF) [547KB] (opens new window)
Tattoo, Piercing, Acupuncture, and Electrolysis
Section 35 (6) Highways Act 1980 (PDF) [216KB] (opens new window)