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Care assessments

Request an initial care assessment

Do you or someone you know need help with daily living?

You can request an initial care assessment which will determine whether a full assessment of your needs would be helpful.

Request an assessment

Request a care and support review

If you're already receiving a service but feel that your needs have changed, you can request a review.

During the review we will ask you a series of questions to help us determine what further help you may need.

Request a review

Who is eligible for help

You can complete an assessment if you're aged 18 and over and experiencing difficulties due to a physical or mental condition.

To be eligible for support you must be unable to achieve at least two of the following on your own:

  • manage and maintain nutrition
  • maintain personal hygiene
  • manage toilet needs
  • get dressed
  • remain safe in your home
  • maintain a liveable home environment
  • develop and maintain family or personal relationships
  • access and engage in work, training, education or volunteering
  • making use of facilities or services in the local community
  • carry out any caring responsibilities you may have for a child
  • or if there is, or is likely to be, a significant impact on your wellbeing as a result of being unable to achieve at least one of these outcomes

The initial care assessment

During the initial assessment we'll ask you a series of questions relating to the Care Act. These questions will cover whether you can manage your personal care, nutrition and more.

Depending on your answers, we can offer you advice and information to help you get support.

The initial assessment is the first step in assessing your need for social care. It helps to identify people who need further help from us and those who can get help from other services.

Once you have submitted your assessment we'll respond to you within five working days about what happens next.

If we recommend that you need a full assessment of your needs, we will pass your information to a locality team. The locality team will then contact you to arrange a full assessment.

If your circumstances change before this, we will provide you with a telephone number to contact us on.

Learn more about what happens at a care assessment

If you already have services and your needs change

If you are already receiving a service but feel that your needs or circumstances have changed, you can request a review.

We will ask you a series of questions to help us determine what further help you may need.

Once you have submitted your assessment we'll respond to you within five working days about what happens next.


Contact Adult Social Care

There are many ways to contact the adult social care team, both online and over the phone.

We encourage people who can contact us online to do so, as it helps to free up phone lines for emergencies or for those who don't have access to or the skills to use computers.

Contact Adult Social Care