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Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA)

Update for March 2023


In line with the government's Planning Policy Guidance, every year the Council updates its information on the availability of land for new housing. This is done accurate to 31 March each year, but in arrears because of the need to collect information which is accurate for the end of the financial year. This update is for 31 March 2023. 

A full SHLAA, involving a call-out for sites from landowners, developers and others, is not produced every year. The last full SHLAA was in 2017. In between times, updates are produced based on new information from planning applications, monitoring of completions of homes, contact with landowners and developers, development on the Council's own sites, and other information.

The 2017 SHLAA was followed by an update in 2018. The 2019 update was overtaken by the need for more up-to-date information for the Examination in Public, by an inspector from the Independent Planning Inspectorate, of the Council's land allocations and development management policies local plan document, Making Spaces for Growing Places. Therefore, instead of being published as a SHLAA update, it was published as part of the Council's evidence base for that Examination, under the title Housing Supply Topic Paper January 2020.

The full method of carrying out the update and the sources used are described within the document. Further updates for March 2020 were published in 2021, and for March 2021 early in 2022.

This update takes account of the Call for Sites carried out in late 2022 and early 2023. It includes all the sites submitted, except greenfield Green Belt sites, which we made clear were not being considered at this time.

We plan to publish a full new SHLAA, taking account of a fresh call for sites, in 2024.

SHLAA Update 2023 Final Report (PDF) [204KB] (opens new window)

Appendix 1: Table of Sites (PDF) [1MB] (opens new window)

Appendix 2: Trajectory (PDF) [187KB] (opens new window)

Appendix 3: Additional information (PDF) [133KB] (opens new window)

SHLAA Interactive Map