Local Plan
The Local Plan is made up of a number of documents covering the full set of planning policies that will manage and influence future development in Gateshead.
Start of the Conversation: the Gateshead Plan
We are at the beginning of preparing our new local plan. We want to start the conversation with you to know if we have got it right in terms of the issues we need to address or whether you think there are additional issues we need to include. We need your views to make sure the new local plan helps make Gateshead a place where everyone thrives.
For more information about the Local Plan consultation, including details of consultation events and links to evidence documents, please see The Gateshead Plan.
Adopted Local Plans
This sets out the spatial planning framework to deliver economic prosperity. We want to create neighbourhoods that last a lifetime. It is the central document in our Local Plan, containing a spatial vision, objectives, strategy and policies. The plan covers the whole area within Gateshead and Newcastle administrative boundaries. This includes strategic policies and specific policies for the urban core, sub- areas and sites.
Making Spaces for Growing Places
MSGP forms Part 3 of our Local Plan. It contains:
- set out detailed policies to both assist applicants, and inform decisions made on planning applications
- allocations of land for particular types of development
- designations of land on the basis of its use or quality, including conservation areas, retail centres and local wildlife sites, for example
- identification of areas where there may be limitations on development.
The policies and allocated sites set out in MSGP will support the implementation of strategic priorities set out in the Core Strategy and Urban Core Plan.
Metrogreen is an area that offers opportunity for the development of a mixed-use sustainable community within Gateshead. The Council is progressing an Area Action Plan for the Metrogreen area.
Supplementary planning documents
These set out more detailed guidance around specific issues, such as urban design and alterations to houses.
View the Local Plan Policies interactive map (opens new window)