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Making Spaces for Growing Places

MSGP was adopted on the 1 February 2021.

MSGP forms Part 3 of our Local Plan following the adoption of the Core Strategy and Urban Core Plan for Gateshead and Newcastle (PDF, 59 MB)(opens new window) which forms parts 1 and 2. MSGP sets out:

  • detailed policies to both assist applicants, and inform decisions made on planning applications

  • allocations of land for particular types of development

  • designations of land on the basis of its use or quality, including conservation areas, retail centres and local wildlife sites, for example

  • areas where there may be limitations on development.

The policies and allocated sites set out in MSGP will support the implementation of strategic priorities set out in the Core Strategy and Urban Core Plan. MSGP supersedes the remaining saved policies from the Unitary Development Plan.

MSGP (PDF, 8 MB)(opens new window)

MSGP Sustainability appraisal (PDF, 23 MB)(opens new window)

MSGP Adoption statement (PDF, 107 KB)(opens new window)

MSGP policies map (PDF, 5 MB)(opens new window)

Local Plan Policies interactive map (opens new window)

For information about the MSGP Examination, please visit our MSGP examination page.

Local List update

The Local List is set out in Appendix 8 of MSGP -  more recently the Local List has been updated following extensive public consultation, and subsequently approved by Cabinet on 24 January 2023. View the updated Local List.

Contact us

Spatial Planning and Housing Strategy
Development and Enterprise
Gateshead Council
Civic Centre
Regent Street

0191 433 3000