Primary school admissions September 2025
Please read the admissions information booklet before you apply to help you understand the admissions process and make an informed choice.
Apply online
Apply online for your child's school place. Applications must be submitted by 15 January 2025.
Primary school admissions - September 2025
If you live in Gateshead you can apply online for a primary school place from 9 September 2024.
Make sure you look at the 'Admission to Primary School' booklet which contains essential information that will help you in making your child's application, including:
- admission policies and oversubscription criteria for Gateshead schools
- information on how places are offered
- the number of applications received and the number of places offered for previous years
- we recommend you apply to three schools. Applying for only one school does not improve you chance of gaining a place at this school
- your child's attendance at a school or private nursery does not guarantee or improve your chances of gaining a place at your chosen school
- if you rank a school outside Gateshead as one or more of your preferences you must look at the admission policy for that school before submitting your application
- you must apply by 15 January 2025
Primary (reception class) and junior (year 3) admissions timeline
9 September 2024 | Online system opens for parents to apply |
15 January 2025 | Closing date for submitting applications |
16 April 2025 | Offer letters and emails sent to parents |
16 May 2025 | Any places that become available will be offered from the schools waiting list |
June/July 2025 | Appeals heard |
For common issues and questions about admissions see the information section of our admissions guide.
Ofsted inspections
Ofsted are changing the way they inspect and report on schools. Find out about the Education Inspection Framework (opens new window) and how the changes might effect you as a parent/guardian.
Contact us
Education Support Service
School Admissions Team
Floor 2
Civic Centre
0191 433 2756 / 3909 / 8589 / 2109 / 8591