Applications for University Technical Colleges (UTCs)
UTCs are technical colleges for 14 to 19 year olds set up by universities and businesses. They specialise in one or two technical subjects and at GCSE offer a similar curriculum to a typical 11 to 18 secondary school. This includes basics of English, Maths and Sciences, as well as their specialist subject.
Their aim is to ensure young people achieve excellent GCSE or A-level results along with high value technical qualifications delivered via employer and university contextualised challenges, that support high level technical and employability skills.
Gateshead does not have a UTC but there are UTCs in other local authorities that you may wish to consider. However, this does not mean that you are required to move your child from their existing school if this remains the best option for them.
If this is something you wish to consider for your child you should contact the UTC for details of when and how to apply. Additionally, when your child is due to move into Year 10 we have a duty to inform parents and carers of the UTCs that are within travelling distance.
Currently the only UTC within travelling distance from Gateshead local authority area is:
North East Futures UTC
Stephenson Quarter, Newcastle upon Tyne NE31 3AS
Principal: Mr Dan Sydes
0191 917 9888 (opens new window)
Read more about UTC (Word doc) [22KB] (opens new window)
The UTC have an open event on 19 October 2023 at 5pm. Tickets are available on Eventbrite (opens new window).