Planning Obligations SPD
The Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document describes Gateshead's approach to requesting contributions towards infrastructure from developers.
The SPD does not set policy, but provides a framework for implementation of policy DEL1: Infrastructure and Developer Contributions of the Local Plan.
The SPD:
- Clarifies the relationship between planning conditions, planning obligations, the Community Infrastructure Levy and other legal agreements
- Helps ensure the timely provision of infrastructure to support growth
- Aids the smooth functioning of the planning application process by explaining the council's process and procedures for using planning obligations
- Assists in securing both local and national objectives in respect of the provision of sustainable development and
- Assists applicants to make successful applications
In December 2016 the council adopted the first review version of the SPD, which is aligned with the provisions set out in Gateshead's CIL, and in particular the 123 Infrastructure List. In March 2021 the Council adopted the second review of the SPD which includes updates arising from the adoption of Making Spaces for Growing Places and an updated monitoring framework.
Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document (PDF, 595 KB)(opens new window)
Adoption Statement (PDF, 92 KB)(opens new window)
Consultation report (PDF, 284 KB)(opens new window)
Gateshead Infrastructure Funding Statement
For enquiries or further information, contact:
Spatial Planning and Housing Strategy
0191 433 3415