Adult Social Care Local Account 2023/24
What are we going to do during 24/25
Prevent, reduce and delay the needs of support
Key actions are:
- redesign of our Adult Social Care pathways focusing on prevention and early intervention in progress
- work to maximise access and availability of information, advice and guidance, improving navigation and easy read information
- embed the local VCSE organisations in prevention,planning and delivery
- develop online assessment functionality, including financial assessments and care assessments
- work with TEC partners to develop solutions and strategies to common problems being face by those needing our services
- develop and launch new Direct Payments Support Service
When we get this right, it looks like:
- people have a positive experience when contacting Adult Social Care
- people receive support to help resolve the issues they face, emphasising what they can do for themselves and what support is available
- preventable ill health in Gateshead is reduced
- residents will be able to access flexible health and care support, when and where they need it
Caregivers and the voice of people and communities
Key actions are:
- improve information and advice support to caregivers
- develop Engagement and Co-production Strategy and Framework
- implement the delivery plan of the Caregiver Strategy
- finalise and publish young carers strategies
When we get this right, it looks like:
- we identify and support carers as early as possible
- the voice of people with lived experience is heard and we work with them in true partnership to co-produce our Adult Social Care offer
- people feel listened to and have access to local groups and community services with strong social networks
- improved access to support carers who are 'seldom heard from' and carers from minority ethnic groups to reduce isolation and health inequalities
- our young carers feel seen and understood and feel confident about their futures
Workforce and commissioning
Key actions are:
- development of our recruitment offer and workforce brand, including retention of our workforce
- develop a new quality pathway for contract and quality management for providers
- equipping our workforce with the right skills and knowledge to deliver strengths based practice and successful enablement approaches
- continue to develop opportunities for development and career pathways, including health and social care workforce
- implement our new home care model to deliver outcome-based support closer to people and their communities
When we get this right, it looks like:
- a well-trained and resilient workforce, the right people with the right skills to provide the best possible care and support
- career opportunities and progression at all levels, that have a range of exciting and interesting roles
- a positive and inclusive culture for staff, promoting an ethos of inclusion and diversity
- people more in control of their care and support, provided by staff who are connected to the communities they work in