Adult Social Care Local Account 2023/24
Welcome to our 2023/2024 Adult Social Care Local Account. The local account is produced annually and is designed to provide our residents and people who need social care support, their families and, people who provide care with an update on adult social care in Gateshead and reflects on progress against our strategy and delivery plan, together with information about improvements we are making.
Our overarching strategy, 'Thrive', has ambitions to make Gateshead a place where everyone thrives. Our vision is to work with our communities to enable residents to live thriving lives, be independent and individual, support themselves and each other, and access personalised quality support when they need it.
Throughout this document we have set out the ways in which we are working to achieve our priorities, including working collaboratively with partners and we hope that the information to easy to understand and more relevant to the people who need our support.
I would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to everyone working in or with Adult Social Care in Gateshead, for your continued commitment and dedication.
Councillor John Adams
Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care