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Adult Social Care Local Account 2023/24

Who we have supported during 2023/24

  • during 2023/24, 3,750 people have been supported by adult social care - of those, 885 people were aged 18 to 64 and 2,865 were aged 65+
  • we have 1,364 people in residential or nursing care. Of those, 1,031 are in long term residential care and 333 are in long term nursing care
  • we have 217 people receiving Day Care, 324 people receiving a Direct Payment, 161 people in Supported Living and 345 people in Extra Care
  • we have supported 903 carers
  • there are 7,497 people receiving Care Call
  • we have 1,390 adults receiving Homecare
  • we've had 6,409 new requests for support, with 6,134 assessments completed and 4,047 safeguarding concerns raised