Damaged or missing street furniture
- Overview
- Crash barriers and pedestrian guardrails
- Road traffic signs
- Seats on a footpath
- Street name plates
- Street lighting and bollards
The council is responsible for fixing or replacing some types of broken or missing street furniture in Gateshead. This includes crash barriers, guardrails, seats and street signs.
Other types of street furniture are the responsibility of private companies or owners. For example, bus shelters or privately owned fences.
If the street furniture has been drawn on, then you should report a graffiti problem instead of reporting it damaged.
If you are reporting a damaged street furniture on a motorway, you need to call National Highways immediately on 0300 123 5000.
Crash barriers and pedestrian guardrails
Crash barriers and pedestrian guardrails provide protection to both people and vehicles during collisions.
We don't deal with barriers or guardrails on motorways, but we do deal with them on other roads in Gateshead.
If a barrier or guardrail is knocked over, damaged or loose then we need to know as soon as possible as it could be dangerous.
If the barrier or guardrail is obstructing a highway or footpath, you should call us immediately on 0191 433 7000. Out of hours, you can call us on 0191 478 7666.
Report a damaged or missing crash barrier or pedestrian guardrail
You can alternatively call our customer service team on 0191 433 7000.
Road traffic signs
Road traffic signs are erected above or at the side of roads to give instructions or provide information to road users. These include stop signs, give way signs, no entry signs and more.
We don't deal with road traffic signs on motorways, but we do deal with them on other roads in Gateshead.
If you see a damaged or missing traffic sign, you can report it to us online or over the phone.
In an emergency, we need to fix the road sign as quickly and safely as possible. Call us immediately if:
- wires are exposed (any sign)
- it's knocked down (any sign)
- it's hanging off (any sign)
- it's an issue with a road sign
- it's an issue with a stop sign
- it's an issue with a no entry sign
For emergencies during office hours you should call us on 0191 433 7000. Out of hours you should call us on 0191 477 0844.
Report a damaged or missing road traffic sign
Non-emergencies can also be reported to our customer service team by calling 0191 433 7000.
Seats on a footpath
We are responsible for maintaining and replacing certain seats across Gateshead, this includes seats situated on a footpath. Some seats are owned by private companies and are their responsibility.
If you see a damaged seat on a footpath, you can report it to us online or over the phone.
If the seat has been drawn on, then you should report a graffiti problem instead of reporting it damaged.
Report a damaged seat on a footpath
You can alternatively call our customer service team on 0191 433 7000.
Street name plates
Street name plates usually appear on the side of walls or in street name signs.
If you see a damaged or missing street name plate, then you can report it and we will look into fixing or replacing it as soon as operationally possible.
Report a damaged or missing street name plate
Alternatively, you can call our customer service team on 0191 433 7000.
Street lighting and bollards
For information on how to report street lighting, including bollards, street lights and verge markers - visit our street lighting pages.