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Carer's assessment

Are you a caregiver?

A caregiver is a person of any age (including children) who provides unpaid support to a partner, relative, friend or neighbour who couldn't cope without their help. This could be due to old age, frailty, disability, a serious health condition, mental ill health, or substance misuse. Parents of children who are disabled or who have a serious health condition are also considered to be caregivers. There is a difference between a caregiver and care professionals paid to provide care. Some caregivers receive statutory payments (for example Carer's Allowance) or a direct payment for their caring role. Even when caregivers receive such payments, they are still considered to be caregivers.

We recognise that sometimes carers need help, and because of this it is your right by law to request a carer's assessment.

What is a carer's assessment?

A carer's assessment is a detailed discussion with a trained member of staff, which will produce a written statement of what your needs are, and what you can do to reduce them, or prevent them from getting worse. If caring is having a significant impact on your wellbeing, the assessment may tell you that you are entitled to publicly funded support.

An assessment is free and will look at what things could make your role as a carer easier. This includes making sure you are receiving all the benefits you are entitled to, as well as information on short breaks, and practical and emotional support available to you in the borough. We will also discuss what you'd need to know in an emergency, as well as what support is available to help you get back into work, take part in leisure activities and improve your own health. Once you have contacted us to have a carer's assessment we will be in touch to arrange an appointment for the assessment to be carried out. This will be at a time suitable to you and your caring needs.

The assessment worker will talk with you about the tasks you carry out and your situation. They may then suggest ways of helping you in your role and provide other useful information.

What does a carers assessment involve?

We will discuss with you:

  • what impact caring is having on areas of your life
  • whether there is a risk that caring could harm your own mental or physical health
  • whether you have any issues about combining caring with looking after children or other adults who need help
  • whether it is creating practical issues about your ability to look after your own home or to eat healthily
  • whether you may have difficulty combining caring with paid or voluntary work, or with education or training
  • whether caring leaves you with enough time and energy to get to the shops and other places where you need to go, and to take part in leisure activities that matter to you

Benefits of having a carers assessment

  • personalised support - tailored assistance based on your needs
  • access to services - unlock a range of support services
  • respite care - take a well-deserved break from caregiving
  • financial assistance - learn about potential financial aid
  • emotional support - connect with fellow caregivers

How to request an assessment

Take the first step towards a more fulfilling and supportive caregiving experience by contacting Adult Social Care Direct on the contact details below.


Contact Adult Social Care

There are many ways to contact the adult social care team, both online and over the phone.

We encourage people who can contact us online to do so, as it helps to free up phone lines for emergencies or for those who don't have access to or the skills to use computers.

Contact Adult Social Care