Personal budgets
Personal budgets are a different way for disabled children, young people and their families to get support. They offer flexibility and choice for you and your child. Instead of receiving services directly from Gateshead Council, you get money to buy the support you need. This is called self-directed support.
A personal budget (previously known as an Individual Budget) is an amount of money that the Local Authority thinks is needed to deliver the additional support that a young person with an SEND support needs. A personal budget can be given in 3 different ways:
- Direct payment - where a young person or their parent/carer receives funding to purchase services in the Plan.
- Notional budget - also known as a commissioned service and no money changes hands. The LA, school, college or health team holds the funds and purchases the support in the Plan.
- Third party arrangement - the direct payment is managed by an independent organisation, such as a voluntary organisation, on behalf of the young person or their parent/carers.
A personal budget can involve one of these or any combination of them. The aim of Personal Budgets is to give people greater choice and control over the support that they receive.
You can find more detailed information about eligibility, where funding comes from, how direct payments work and how you can request a personal budget if you are eligible by viewing the Personal budgets (Word doc) [497KB] (opens new window) document.
Contact us
Integrated Referral Team
Gateshead Civic Centre,
Regent Street,
Gateshead NE8 1HH
0191 433 2685