Managed migration to Universal Credit
Throughout 2024, the DWP will be sending notices to people who claim old-style benefits. The notice will let them know that their benefit will stop, and they must make a claim for Universal Credit if they wish to continue receiving support. This process is called 'managed migration'.
Anyone receiving the following benefits will receive the notification mentioned above from the DWP. This will be done in stages - see below for when to expect your notice. Once you receive the notice you will have three months to make a claim for Universal Credit.
When to expect your notice from the DWP
April 2024
Income Support only
Income Support and Housing Benefit
Income Support and Housing Benefit and Child Tax Credit
Income Support and Child Tax Credit
Housing Benefit and any Tax Credit
Incapacity Benefit
June 2024
Housing Benefit only
July 2024
Employment and Support Allowance Income Related and Housing Benefit and Child Tax Credit
Employment and Support Allowance and Child Tax Credit
August 2024
Pension Age Tax Credits
September 2024
Jobseeker's Allowance (income based)
Jobseeker's Allowance and Housing Benefit
Jobseeker's Allowance and Housing Benefit and Child Tax Credit
Jobseeker's Allowance and Child Tax Credit
Employment and Support Allowance
Employment and Support Allowance and Housing Benefit
If you do nothing
If you do not make a claim for Universal Credit within three months of receiving your managed migration notice, your current benefits will stop and you will not receive any other financial support.
You could also lose help towards prescriptions, dentist charges, cost of eye tests and the cost of travelling to receive NHS treatment.
You will be unable to apply for a Discretionary Housing Payment to help with your rent if you do not receive housing costs within your Universal Credit award.
The change in your financial circumstances may also affect your entitlement to Council Tax Support.
Support and advice on managed migration
If you are a council tenant, our Advice and Support team can help you make your claim and give you any information and advice you need about Universal Credit. Call 0191 433 6161, email or find them in the Civic Centre.
If you are not a council tenant, you can get help from Citizens Advice Gateshead (opens new window) or by calling UC helpline on 0800 169 0328.
Further information from GOV.UK
Move to Universal Credit (opens new window) outlines the steps you'll need to take to make a Universal Credit claim, and there's a list of the documents you'll need to provide when you apply.
It also gives information about how much money you might get, and any financial protection you might be entitled to if your Universal Credit amount is less than you received from your previous benefit.