Central Bensham - Redesignated area
The Central Bensham - Re-designated licensing scheme ran from April 2018 - 2023. The scheme has now expired. The impact and performance of the scheme is currently being reviewed and an Evaluation report will be made available in due course.
Redesignation of parts of Central Bensham licensing scheme (phase 1)
The Central Gateshead Phase 1 Licensing scheme ran from May 2012-May 2017. The evidence and data gathered at the end of the scheme confirms that there have been substantial and notable improvements in the area, with many of the key aims and objectives of the licensing scheme being achieved including:
- Tenants are staying in properties longer
- Fewer complaints to the Council about empty properties
- Improvements to property condition
- Better management by landlords
Redesignation of Central Bensham licensing scheme (phase 2)
Designation of a smaller redefined area within an expired licensing scheme in Central Gateshead (see link below) will allow continued close working with landlords, residents and tenants where there is a potential likelihood that without the ongoing regulation of licensing, standards are likely to return to pre-licensing practices.
Scheme implementation: 30th April 2018 - 29th April 2023
The area still demonstrates some key indicators of low demand including:
- Higher rates of empty properties within the area
- Long term empty properties
- Lower than average house prices
- High rates of occupancy turnover
Despite reductions in the number of complaints made to the Council they are still higher than average. This analysis of this data and experience reveals that such issues are recurring in specific streets in a concentrated area. Continued targeted work is required in these hotspot streets both with landlords and tenants to prevent and resolve these issues and Selective Landlord Licensing will allow this to take place.
High levels of crime and antisocial behaviour
Reported Crime and ASB to Northumbria Police within the SLL area remains higher than the borough average. This relates to criminal incidents outside the scope of private rented housing, but does include some neighbour dispute incidents.
Consultation period
Consultation took place in March 2017 over a twelve week period with local residents and landlords using a wide variety of methods in the proposed area.
Public notice document
Mid-term evaluation redesignated area Central Bensham
Read our mid-term evaluation report Mid-term Evaluation Redesignated Area Central Bensham
Contact us
Private Sector Housing Team
Gateshead Council
Civic Centre
0191 433 3365