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Practical Application of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 for Children's Services *

Course details

Aim: To further develop an understanding of the law around assessing Mental Capacity and outline practical skills on how to apply law

Dates: Thursday 28 November 2024

Time: 9.30am to 16.30pm

Venue:Gateshead Council's Learning Centre

Facilitators: Ann- Maria Mitchell ASSET Team manager

Booking: via Learning Hub

Course objectives

  • Recap on what MCA is
  • To further develop and build on practical skills in applying the principles of the MCA
  • Explore the requirements on practitioners when assessing capacity
  • To understand the importance of recording capacity and best interest assessments
  • To consider a range of tools to support decision making with the individual

Suitable for

Intercollegiate Framework: level 3 People identified in Groups 3-5
Bournemouth University Framework: People identified in Group B2-D
Anyone with responsibilities for carrying out Mental Capacity Act assessments or requires knowledge of Mental Capacity Act Assessments for their job role

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