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Free BIPC business service at Blaydon Library28 July 2021
Business & Intellectual Property Centre North East (BIPC) is delighted to announce a new business support service in Blaydon Library.
North East named as Enhanced Response Area23 July 2021
The time has come for us to learn to live safely with Covid-19 and make sure that we continue to do everything we can to support those in our communities who st...
Community needed to support health and care sector23 July 2021
The health and social care sector in Gateshead is asking residents to step up once again and help them manage pressures caused by Covid-19.
New Community Forest created in the North East to support a greener future21 July 2021
Defra, England Community Forests and six councils across the North East have announced the creation of a new Community Forest .
Tour of Britain returns to Gateshead20 July 2021
Gateshead Council is thrilled to confirm Britain's biggest professional cycle race, the Tour of Britain, will be returning to Gateshead in September.
Gateshead Council services from 19 July16 July 2021
To protect the health and wellbeing of our staff and residents, we have made significant changes to the way we work and deliver our services over the last 16 mo...
We all have a part to play in keeping region safe as restrictions are lifted13 July 2021
With infection rates increasing, local Leaders are calling on all residents to play their part in helping to protect our communities, and be cautious in how we...
Long term foster care makes a huge difference to children in Gateshead13 July 2021
Gateshead foster carers, Carol and Paul, were beyond proud recently as they celebrated the achievements of Jake (15), who has been part of their family for six...
Gateshead Environmental improvements planned12 July 2021
Gateshead Council have committed £750,000 over three years to tackle more fly-tipping, litter and graffiti across the borough.
Continue to be careful as restrictions are lifted09 July 2021
The time has come for us to learn to live safely with Covid-19 and make sure that we continue to do everything we can to support those in our communities who st...