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Charges for care at home

Charges for care and support at home or in the community may vary. The amount you will pay will depend on your financial circumstances. This will be decided by your financial assessment.

Care services you will be charged for

If you use the following services, we will charge you a fixed rate. These rates are set out in more detail in our corporate fees and charges.

Transport to day centre£3.95 per journey
Meals£5.34 per meal
Care Call - Sheltered Scheme£5.78 per week
Care Call - Bronze Scheme£9.30 per week
Care Call - Silver Scheme£10.29 per week
Care Call - Gold Scheme£14.66 per week
Care Call - Platinum Scheme£22.42 per week
Home Care£20.88 per hour
Extra Care£18.70 per hour
Day Centre (full day)£29.96 per day
Day Centre (half day)£14.98 per half day

Capital over £23,250

If you have more than £23,250 in savings or capital, you will have to pay the full amount of the cost of your care. You may want to ask us to arrange your care for you and there will be an administrative charge for this.  

Capital under £14,250

If you have less than £14,250 in capital you may not be required to use this to pay towards the cost of your care. However, you may still have to contribute from your income depending on the outcome of your financial assessment.

Benefit maximisation

As part of the financial assessment we will check your benefits. If you are entitled to claim extra benefits, we can refer you to the relevant services.

Allowances and expenditure

In some cases, we may give an allowance for any payments you make for rent or council tax.  We will check the amount of weekly income you will have left after paying your charge. This is called the Minimum Income Guarantee (MIG).

Further guidance on the MIG is available in the Government's Social care - charging for care and support: local authority circular 2024 (opens new window)

Making payments for care at home

You can pay for the care and support you receive at home by using our different payment options.