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Angel 20 memories

Collecting your Angel memories #Angel20

Charlotte Proud at Angel
Photo: Charlotte Proud, Gateshead. 1998.


Share your photos or tell us your story about what the Angel means to you. 

Do you remember when you first saw the Angel?

Does the sculpture hold a special memory for you?

Do you have photos from throughout its 20 years that you would like to share with us for our memories gallery? Then we would really like to hear from you.

  • Send us your images or stories to:
  • If you have an anecdote to go with your image, then please share it with us and we may include it in your image description
  • Include 'Angel20' in the subject line
  • Provide your name and tell us where you live


A selection of images and stories submitted to us will be shared on the Official Angel of the North facebook page (opens new window)and on our website later this year. By sending us your image / story you agree that you are happy for it to be shared online and that you have permission, including anyone shown in the photograph, to submit this to us. You also agree that this is your own work and does not infringe on any third parties.


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