Concessionary travel
Residents who are disabled (over 16)
If you are over 16 and physically disabled you may be eligible for reduced or free travel on public transport in the borough.
You can make a first time application with Gateshead Council by contacting our Customer Service Team on 0191 433 3000 or download one here (PDF) [204KB] (opens new window) .
Visit the Nexus website (opens new window) for more information about concessionary travel for disabled residents
Residents aged over 60
Passes for older people and renewals of a current pass will be handled by Nexus.
The Government has changed the age at which people become eligible for a travel pass and people no longer receive a free bus pass on their 60th birthday.
Instead both men and women become eligible in line with the rise in the age at which women become eligible for a state pension.
Visit the Nexus website (opens new window) for more information about concessionary travel for older residents.
Contact Adult Social Care
There are many ways to contact the adult social care team, both online and over the phone.
We encourage people who can contact us online to do so, as it helps to free up phone lines for emergencies or for those who don't have access to or the skills to use computers.