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Temporary signs

Signage for new housing developments
Signage for special events
Location of signs
Sign design and mounting
Apply for temporary signing

There is an application fee of £164.20 which must be provided with your application for any type of temporary signage before the request can be processed. (incl tourist sign applications)

Signage for new housing developments

All new development signs that receive authorisation will contain the name of the site only. No reference will be made to the developer, number or type of housing. 

The lorry symbol is to be used when only construction deliveries to a new development are to be signed or where construction deliveries have a separate route from sales traffic.

The house symbol is to be used for sales traffic routes. Both symbols may be used on the same sign as long as the need for lorry symbol is recognised as above.

Two signs with different symbols, but for the same development, will not be allowed at the same location unless that is the point where the lorry and sales routes go in different directions.

Signage for special events

Under no circumstances should telephone numbers, website addresses or other contact details be displayed on temporary traffic signs for special events.

Names of event sponsors should not be included unless similar events in the same area at the same time make such identification necessary for traffic management purposes. Dates and times should not be included since the signs are not intended to advertise an event but are for people who know about it and need guidance to the site.

Temporary signs should not be used on routes where there are already permanent local direction or tourist signs to the site, although for some major events it might be desirable to indicate other routes to assist traffic management.

We are the final arbiter of the signing appropriate for any event and may remove or re-site any signs which have not been approved, at the expense of the body which erected them.

Location of signs

Authorisation for the mounting of signs on the public highway will only be given from the nearest point on the classified road network to the development or event site, unless there are extenuating circumstances.

The classified road network, for the purposes of temporary signing includes roads designated class A, B or C.

If the main access to the development is sited on a classified road, then no signing will be authorised for erection on the public highway, other than at the development or event site itself, unless the visibility of the access is compromised due to circumstances beyond our control or of the developer. In this case the Network Management Team should be contacted to discuss the locations of the signs.

In such cases the Network Management Team should be contacted to discuss the locations of the signs prior to erection of any signing.

Timescales for signing

New housing developments

Directional signage with the house symbol (for visitors), as prescribed in TSRGD diag. 2701, will only be permitted a maximum of 5 days before the completion of works to the development show home and the site is open to the public. Prior to this time, signage will only be permitted for site construction traffic. Signs of this nature must feature the lorry symbol, (diag. 804.1 of the TSRGD).

Site construction traffic signage will only be permitted a maximum of one week prior to the start of construction on the development and must be removed on completion of the show home, whereby visitor signage as described above should be erected in locations that authorisation permits.

Signing will be permitted for a maximum duration of six months or completion of the construction of the development, whichever is earlier. Extensions to this may be requested in writing to the Network Management Team.

No sign may continue to be displayed after development of the housebuilding site is completed, or for more than two years.

All temporary signing must be removed within 14 days of completion of the construction of the development.

Special events

Directional signing for events will only be permitted a maximum of two days prior to the event, and must be removed the day after the event has finished.

Sign design and mounting

All permissible signs are to conform to The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002 (TSRGD) (opens new window), or any subsequent issuing or amendments to this publication.

Signs are to be designed using:

  • transport heavy text in black
  • an x-height of 50 mm (TSRGD diag. 2701) for signs located at the junction of the development
  • an x-height of 60 mm (TSRGD diag. 2701.1) for signs located in advance of the development
  • yellow background with a black border

Signs placed in advance of a road junction or entrance to an event venue (known as advance direction signs or ADSs) should be rectangular, comprising text describing the destination and a horizontal or angled arrow indicating the direction to be taken at the junction or entrance. Exceptionally, an ADS may incorporate the U-turn symbol shown in diagram 2111.1 in the TSRGD1. 

Direction signs (or DSs) should be placed to indicate the point at which drivers should turn into a road or entrance. DSs consist of a rectangular sign with a pointed end and are commonly known as flag-type signs. They are generally placed opposite the turning, but may be placed in the entrance itself, facing traffic. They must never be placed in advance of the turning.

When mounting on street lighting columns using metal banding, protective materials (such as neoprene) are to be used to protect the coating of the lighting column.

In all cases, signs are to be erected at a minimum height of 2100mm or 2400mm when over a cycle network, and 450mm from the edge of the carriageway. 

Signs of surface area greater than 0.3 m² will not be fitted to lamp columns. Signs fitted to lamp columns should not obstruct any ciphering or access panels, or compromise visibility for road users. 

Temporary signs should never be fixed to posts which already support any of the following signs: 

  • stop
  • give way
  • no entry
  • speed limit (other than repeater signs) 
  • traffic signals 

Using posts which carry regulatory signs or triangular warning signs should be avoided where there is risk of confusing drivers or distracting their attention. Temporary signs that include dates and/or times should not be co-located with existing traffic signs.

Temporary signs must not obscure any part of another sign fixed to the same post. The overall appearance must be tidy and professional in appearance. The fixings must attach the sign securely to its support and must not damage the protective coating of any posts. They should be adequate to prevent rotation or slippage.

At the end of the display period, all signs and fixings should be removed from the site and any damage caused to the highway or street furniture should be put right or reported to Gateshead Council for repair at the applicants cost. 

Apply for temporary signing

All applications must be made in writing to the Network Management Team no less than one month prior to the signs being required. 

Apply by email to:

Or in writing to:

Network Management
Communities and Environment
Gateshead Council
Civic Centre
Regent Street

Include the fee of £164.20, with your application, for this service.

Applications will only be accepted from a motoring organisation (for example the RAC, AA signs) or similar independent organisations. The applicant should have insurance of not less than £5 million indemnifying Gateshead Council in respect of any third party claims or demands which may arise from the placing of any sign on the highway. The applicant shall produce evidence of insurance to the council when required.

The Network Management Team will acknowledge receipt of an application within 48 hours and will aim to give a full response within 10 working days of submission.

Applications must include a detailed plot of the locations for the proposed signing, with a schedule detailing the legend on the sign, the road name and sign location - for example a lighting column number, and the direction / type of sign to be used - for example left arrow, third exit, u-turn.

No other signs related to the event or development should be erected on the highway without our consent. Any unlawful signing or fly posting relating to the event or development may make any consent void, and we may instruct immediate removal of approved signs.