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What happens when you report a concern

Collecting information

When we receive a report of suspected adult abuse we need to find out more about it.

We will talk to the person, or a suitable representative on their behalf, to find out what is happening. We will then work together to plan what we can do to help keep them safe and as independent as possible.

If the adult at risk is unable to speak for themselves they can chose someone to act on their behalf. This could be a friend or family member.

If this isn't possible we can arrange for an independent person to do this. We call this person an advocate.

People involved

When a safeguarding response is required, we will make whatever enquiries are necessary. We will then decide what action is needed to be taken. This is called a safeguarding plan. The safeguarding plan will be agreed with the adult and any professionals or organisations that are involved in supporting them. We will always do what we can to prevent abuse happening again. We will keep everyone informed of the outcome and provide support where needed.

The Gateshead Safeguarding Adults Board is a group made up of lots of different people who represent organisations across Gateshead. These are organisations such as the council, the police and health services. 

The role of the Safeguarding Adults Board is to ensure that we are fulfilling our safeguarding duties.


Sometimes we need to have a meeting. We will invite the individual, or the person who acts on their behalf, to a safeguarding planning meeting. During this meeting we will discuss concerns and the chairperson will make sure that everybody has their say.

We will make sure that everything that was agreed is being done, and decide if we need any further action.

A safeguarding plan may be agreed to continue to keep the person safe.

Sometimes we will need to arrange further meetings to review the safeguarding plan. We may also make changes if necessary to ensure the person continues to remain safe.

If you don't want anything to happen

If the abuse is happening to you, you have a right to say what you want to be done about it. You will always be asked what you want and who you want to be involved.

Sometimes there are other people who may also be in danger and the abuse is too serious for people to do nothing. Professionals have a duty of care to you and other people and may have to act against your wishes. You will always be told why this has to happen.

If you're not happy

If you're not happy about the safeguarding adults process, we would like to know why.

You can speak to the chairperson who was involved in your meetings, or you can contact your Safeguarding Adult Manager.

If you don't know who that is, contact Adult Social Care Direct using the details below. 


Contact Adult Social Care

There are many ways to contact the adult social care team, both online and over the phone.

We encourage people who can contact us online to do so, as it helps to free up phone lines for emergencies or for those who don't have access to or the skills to use computers.

Contact Adult Social Care