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Explanation of PCN codes

Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) contravention codes are standard throughout the country. The codes we use in Gateshead are below.

The charges for PCNs issued are either £50 or £70, with the exception of bus lane PCNs which are £60.  Payments made within the discount period shown on the PCN will have a 50% discount applied. These charges are agreed nationally by the Secretary of State for Transport and are not set by us.

The descriptions are intended as a guide, not a statement of the law. They are based on the national descriptions of contravention codes (opens new window). The legal definitions are contained within the relevant Traffic Regulation Order or in legislation.

On-street parking


Parked in a restricted street during prescribed hours.
Parking on double yellow lines or single yellow lines during their hours of operation. This restriction covers adjoining paths and verges in addition to the actual carriageway.

02Parked or loading/unloading in a restricted street where waiting and loading/unloading restrictions are in force.
Parking or loading/unloading on double or single yellow lines when a loading ban indicated by kerb markings is also in force. Blue badges cannot be used when this restriction is in force.
05Parked after the expiry of paid for time.
Parked after the time shown on the pay and display ticket has run out.
06Parked without clearly displaying a valid pay and display ticket.
Parked without displaying a pay and display ticket, or where the pay and display ticket has been obscured, is the wrong way round or has fallen to the floor.
07Parked with payment made to extend the stay beyond initial time.
The purchase of additional time is not allowed in Gateshead pay and display bays.
12Parked in a residents' or shared use parking place or zone without clearly displaying either a permit or voucher or pay-and-display ticket issued for that place.
In Gateshead, this is normally used for vehicles which are parked in a residents' parking bay without displaying a permit.
16Parked in a permit space without displaying a valid permit. 
The only type of on-street permit bay that currently exists in Gateshead is a residents' parking bay. As such, the CEO can use either code 12 or code 16.
19Parked in a residents or shared use parking place or zone displaying an invalid permit, an invalid voucher or an invalid pay-and-display ticket.
In Gateshead this is used for vehicles parking in a residents' parking bay while displaying a permit that has expired or is incorrectly completed or is partially obscured.
21Parked in a suspended bay or space or part of bay or space.£70
22Re-parked in the same parking place within one hour of leaving
Or other such limit, as advertised on signs at the location.
23Parked in a parking place or area not designated for that class of vehicle.
These parking places include, but are not limited to, coach stands, loading bays restricted to Goods Vehicles Only, motorcycle bays and places designated as electric vehicle recharging points.
24Not parked correctly within the markings of the bay or space.
With one or more wheels outside the bay markings.
25Parking in a loading place during restricted hours without loading.
Parked in a loading bay without any associated activity being observed.
26Parked more than 50cm from the edge of the carriageway and not within a designated parking place.£70
27Parked adjacent to a dropped footway.£70
30Parked for longer than permitted.£50
34Being in a bus lane£60
40Parked in a designated disabled person's parking place without clearly displaying a valid disabled person's badge.
This also includes where the disabled person's badge is displayed the wrong side up, with the details obscured, the clock not displayed where required and where the badge has expired or is otherwise not valid.  
42Parked in a parking place designated for police vehicles.£70
45Parked on a taxi rank.£70
46Stopped where prohibited (on a clearway).£70
47Stopped on a restricted bus stop / stand.£70
48Stopped in a restricted area outside a school when prohibited.
Stopped on a mandatory School Keep Clear marking during the restriction period.
49Parked wholly or partially on a cycle track or lane.
This only applies if the cycle lane is mandatory, i.e. solid white line separating it from the main carriageway.
63Parked with engine running where prohibited.£50
99Stopped on a pedestrian crossing and /or crossing area marked by zig-zags.£70

Off-street car parks

73Parked without payment of the parking charge.
This code will only be used if the Council decide to implement a mobile phone payment option - the driver does not purchase a parking ticket to display on the vehicle.
74Using a vehicle in a parking place in connection with a sale or offering or exposing for sale of goods when prohibited.£70
80Parked for longer than the maximum period permitted.
In Gateshead this code will only be used in free car parks or sections of the car park that are free, which have a restriction on the length of stay. This will be displayed clearly on signage at the entrance to the car park or adjacent to the bays that are subject to this restriction.
81Parked in a restricted area in a car park.
Any area marked with diagonal yellow or white lines or hatching. The areas are normally in front of doorways, work areas or areas where the parking of a vehicle may be dangerous or cause an obstruction.
82Parked after the expiry of time paid for in a pay and display car park.
Vehicle parked after the time shown on the pay and display ticket has run out.
83Parked in a car park without clearly displaying a valid pay and display ticket.
Parked without displaying a pay and display ticket, or where the pay and display ticket has been obscured, is the wrong way round or has fallen to the floor.
85Parked in a permit bay without clearly displaying a valid permit.£70
86Parked beyond the bay markings.
With one or more wheels outside the bay markings.
87Parked in a disabled person's parking space without clearly displaying a valid disabled person's badge.
This also includes where the disabled person's badge is displayed the wrong side up, with the details obscured, the clock not displayed where required and where the badge has expired or is otherwise not valid.
89Vehicle parked exceeds maximum weight and/or height permitted in the area.
The maximum permitted weight is indicated on the tariff board signage at the entrance to the car park and/or adjacent to the Pay and Display machines.
90Re-parked within one hour of leaving a bay or space in a car park.
This contravention only applies if the rules and regulations indicated on the tariff board signage at the entrance to the car park and/or adjacent to the Pay and Display machines indicate that there is a restriction on purchasing a further ticket once your current parking ticket expires.
91Parked in an area not designated for that class of vehicle.
These parking places include, but are not limited to, coach stands, loading bays restricted to Goods Vehicles Only, motorcycle bays and places designated as electric vehicle recharging points.
92Parked causing an obstruction.
Parked in a position that would cause an obstruction to other vehicles, or danger to pedestrians. An example might be where a car is parked next to or on a ramp or on the approach road into a car park
93Parked in car park when closed.
The hours of operation should be clearly displayed on signage at the entrance to the car park and/or adjacent to the Pay and Display machines. Alternatively, temporary closure notices may be on display.
95Parked in a parking place for a purpose other than the designated purpose for the parking place.