Budget Report
Following consideration of the Medium Term Financial Strategy, a financial strategy is agreed and specific proposals developed for consultation with all stakeholders and review in January before the Council agrees its revenue budget and capital programme in February of each year.
This states our intentions in financial terms for the next and subsequent financial years.
The Budget Report provides a detailed summary of the revenue income that we expect to receive during the year both from Central Government, local taxpayers and other sources, together with a breakdown of estimated revenue expenditure.
The Budget Report also includes our proposed Council Tax levels for the coming financial year, its prudential and treasury indicators, and our Minimum Revenue Provision Statement.
Budget Report 2024/25 (PDF) [1MB] (opens new window)
Budget Report 2023/24 (PDF) [1MB] (opens new window)
Budget Report 2022/23 (PDF) [1MB] (opens new window)
Budget Report 2021/22 (PDF) [1MB] (opens new window)
Budget Report 2020/21 (PDF) [1MB] (opens new window)
Budget Report 2019/20 (PDF) [1MB] (opens new window)
Budget Report 2018/19 (PDF) [1MB] (opens new window)
Budget Report 2017/2018 (PDF) [974KB] (opens new window)
Budget Report 2016/2017 (PDF) [1MB] (opens new window)
Budget Report 2015/2016 (PDF) [560KB] (opens new window)
Budget Report 2014/2015 (PDF) [547KB] (opens new window)
Budget Report 2013/2014 (PDF) [542KB] (opens new window)
Budget Report 2012/2013 (PDF) [449KB] (opens new window)
Budget Report 2011/2012 (PDF) [416KB] (opens new window)
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