Gateshead Adult Caregivers Strategy 2024-2029
Appendix 2: key references
- Carer Facts, International Carers (2023) (opens new window)
- Gateshead Carers Association Survey, Gateshead Carers Association (2020) (opens new window)
- Gateshead Health and Wellbeing Strategy, Gateshead Council (2020) (PDF, 3 MB)(opens new window)
- Giving Care in Gateshead, D.Taylor (2023) (opens new window)
- Half a million voices: Improving support for BAME carers, Carers UK (2010) (opens new window)
- Mind the Gap, Gateshead Director of Public Health (2022) (PDF, 9 MB)(opens new window)
- Personal Social Services Survey of Adult Carers in England, 2021-22, NHS Digital (2022) (opens new window)
- Relief Care Services During the Pandemic, Carers Trust Tyne and Wear (2022) (opens new window)
- State of Caring Report, Carers Trust (2022) (opens new window)
- Storm Caregiver: Red Warning, Gateshead Carers Association (2023) (opens new window)
- Supporting Black, Asian and minority ethnic carers: A good practice briefing, Carers Trust (2023) (opens new window)
- The experiences of lesbian, gay and bisexual carers during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, Carers UK (2022) (opens new window)
- Thrive: our strategic approach, Gateshead Council (2023)
- Unpaid care, England and Wales, Office for National Statistics (opens new window)