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Occupied property exemption list

Some properties may qualify for an exemption even if they are occupied. The application form for each exemption type provides further details about how to qualify. 

Exemption list
ClassProperty descriptionApply
MResiding in students' halls of residence Exemption for Class M (PDF) [74KB] (opens new window)
NAll residents being full-time students Exemption for Class N (PDF) [201KB] (opens new window)
OLiving in UK Armed Forces  accommodation Exemption for Class O (PDF) [74KB] (opens new window)
PLiving in visiting forces accommodation Exemption for Class P (PDF) [74KB] (opens new window)
SAll residents being under 18 years of age Exemption for Class S (PDF) [74KB] (opens new window)
UAll residents being severely mentally impaired Exemption for Class U (PDF) [196KB] (opens new window)
VAll residents having diplomatic privilege or immunity Exemption for Class V (PDF) [74KB] (opens new window)
WOccupied annexe to an occupied dwelling Exemption for Class W (PDF) [192KB] (opens new window)

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Council Tax
Civic Centre
Regent Street

0191 433 3600