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Car sharing

Most drivers car share without thinking about it. Take another child to football practice? Taking an elderly relative to the shops? Picking up a colleague on the way to work? All car sharing. 

About 36 million car seats are empty every commute in the UK. The reduction in rush hour traffic if every car was full would be phenomenal. 

A car-sharing scheme can be formal or as informal as you like. Employees can share only when needed, or have a more structured arrangement. Offering a taxi ride home in an emergency can help to put sharer's minds at ease. 

Some websites enable you to get a car-sharing scheme off the ground. One of the biggest is (opens new window)

Liftshare is free unless you wish to create a private workplace where only your employees match up with other employees. Employees register and then add their journey to the matching database, including day and time. They will be matched with others making the same journey.