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Exemplar neighbourhood

The Exemplar Neighbourhood is a major redevelopment proposal close to Gateshead town centre which will create hundreds of new homes on brownfield land.

The Exemplar Neighbourhood area is allocated for redevelopment under Policy CS2 (8) of the Core Strategy and Urban Core Plan. The policy requires that the site is brought forward in accordance with an approved masterplan to demonstrate a comprehensive and coordinated approach to development and infrastructure provision.

The Exemplar Neighbourhood Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) was first adopted in 2013. The SPD set out development principles for residential-led development to ensure high quality design and encourage innovation in the Exemplar Neighbourhood area. Following the adoption of a new Local Plan for Gateshead, and to account for the changing economic, social, and environmental landscape since 2013, consultants IDPartnership were commissioned to refresh and update the document.

The Exemplar Neighbourhood Masterplan and SPD 2023 was adopted on 23 March 2023. The document does not make policy, but provides more detailed guidance on how Local Plan policies should be interpreted and applied.

A copy of the document can be found on our Exemplar Neighbourhood Masterplan and SPD page, alongside a Consultation Report summarising the consultation process and responses received, and an Adoption Statement.