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Traffic Management

The Traffic Planning and Engineering Section is involved in five broad areas of work: traffic projects, traffic management and development control, traffic regulation and parking, road safety education, training and publicity and management of the School Crossing Patrol service.

A Speed Management Plan for Gateshead

Speeding traffic affects people in many different ways. In particular it affects their safety, making the roads more dangerous for all users, but especially vulnerable groups such as the young and the elderly. It also affects the environment, increasing the noise, intrusion and disturbance from traffic, and making it harder to cross the road.

In the light of this, we believe that any responsible community must recognise the benefits of reducing traffic speeds, and take the issue of speeding traffic seriously. However, in so doing we also appreciate the importance of maintaining effective access on important through routes, especially to meet the needs of the emergency services and the local economy.

The Speed Management Plan has been produced in order to set out how we intend to develop and implement their approach towards speed management in Gateshead

The Speed Management Plan was updated in 2021. Whilst the principles of the plan remain similar, it was important that the plan was updated:

  • To reflect changes in other local and national policy and guidance
  • To reflect the speed management works that have taken place or are planned
  • To review and reflect on more up to date trends and statistics
  • To reflect changes in technology

Read the Gateshead Speed Management Plan

Contact us

Traffic Planning Section
Gateshead Council
Civic Centre
Regent Street

Phone: 0191 433 7000
Fax: 0191 433 7554

To comment on a particular scheme, visit the current schemes page.

General enquiries: