Walking Trails
Walking trails from the Thornley Woodlands centre
Half mile easy walk around Paddock Hill Wood through varied woodland with glimpses of the Derwent Valley. No steps but has an undulating gradient.
A family activity sculpture trail leaflet 'Rowlands Quest' has been launched which starts at the Green Man and follows the sculpture trail in nearby Paddock Hill Wood.
Visit Thornley Woods Visitor Centre to pick up a free leaflet.

About two and half miles moderate walk long taking in Paddock Hill Wood, the River Derwent and the wildflower rich Riverside Meadows.
With views of the Nine Arches Viaduct and Gibside. Several flights of steps and steep gradients. Rough in places.

One mile moderate walk through Thornley Wood, an ancient woodland with bird hide (key available to buy or borrow at Thornley Woodland Centre) and wildlife rich pond. Steps, undulating gradients and rough in places.
An alternative start without steps is to cross the road, turn to the right, follow the road and enter the wood through a gate beside the layby.
Follow the path to the left until you pick up the trail at the bottom of the steps.
Walking trails from Swalwell visitor centre or Winlaton Mill car park
(or the other car parks along Derwenthaugh Park)

Four mile easy multi-user route. Undulating gradients but no steps and smooth surfaces. This route is suitable for wheelchair users, walkers, cyclists and horse riders.

Six mile circular walk. Explore the woodlands, meadows, lakes and riverside to enjoy the history and beauty of the Derwent Valley. Undulating steep gradients and several flights of steps - rough in places.
Purple waymarks - Hollinside extension
Half mile walking extension to Hollinside Manor from the Clockburn Circular. Suitable for walkers only. Undulating steep gradients and several flights of step - rough in places.
Walking trails from Winlaton Mill car park
Black Waymark - Kite Hill viewpoint
One mile walk to the Kite Hill Viewpoint. Undulating gradients and no steps - smooth surfaces.
Red Kite Waymarks - The Red Kite trail
11 mile circular walk starting and finishing at Winlaton Mill car park taking in the wider countryside. The trail can be walked in either direction. A leaflet is available.