Parking dispensations
Parking dispensations allow vehicles to park where there are parking restrictions or maximum time limits. This could be for when you need to carry out work which requires continuous access for loading or unloading or you are moving house.
They may be issued for:
- furniture removals
- building, maintenance or repair work near to the site is essential
- goods vehicles making large deliveries where it is reasonable to allow longer than permitted by the regulations
- the hearse and chief mourner's vehicles at funerals
- the bridal and attendant's vehicles at weddings
- vehicles essential to filming operations
We will not issue dispensations in the following instances:
- for parking that may affect disabled / doctors parking bays, taxi ranks or bus stops
- where loading restrictions are in place if the dispensation is requested during the restricted period(s) except in exceptional circumstances
- for locations within 50 metres of a signal controlled junction or pedestrian crossing markings, on a footway or other locations where parking may cause a danger to pedestrians or road users or have the potential to cause a serious obstruction
- locations which will caused traffic movement and safety issues
Other than in circumstances which we agree are exceptional, we will not issue dispensations for continuous periods for more than five days. Authorisation will not be given to park more than two vehicles at any one location.
We need to balance all requests of this nature with other factors. These include other work or events in the area as well as the free movement of traffic. Our agreement to any dispensation request cannot be assumed until it is given.
Parking dispensation costs
A non-refundable administration charge of £120 is payable when you submit the application form. If the application is authorised an additional fee of £5.50 for each six metres of part of, is payable.
How to apply
Applications, and the administration charge, must be received at least three working days before needed. We may need to inspect the site before approval.
Apply for a parking dispensation
If approved we will contact you for the remaining payment.
The administration charge and additional fee can be paid by cheque or postal order made payable to Gateshead Council, and send to:
Parking Services
Gateshead Council
Civic Centre
Regent Street
We will issue the dispensation once we receive the payment. This can be by email or post, depending on what option you selected on your application.
Dispensations are numbered and can only be used for the location and dates agreed. The conditions of use are stated on the back of the dispensation. They must be adhered to avoid a Penalty Charge Notice.
Extending the dispensation
If you need to extend a dispensation which is already in force, we need at least three working days' notice, together with reasons. This is to allow time for the request to be considered and processed. Payment will need to be made before the dispensation can be extended.
If notice is not received in time, your request will be refused and you will need to apply for a fresh dispensation.
Cancellations and early terminations
No refund will be paid where a dispensation is ended early. If, in exceptional circumstances, we do agree to a refund, we will charge an administration fee of £15 for BACS transfer or £25 to raise a cheque.