Saltmeadows Riverside
Saltmeadows Riverside has been identified as contaminated land for the purposes of section 78A(2) of the Act because:
The Council has identified a source (contaminant), a pathway and a receptor with respect to the current use of the land and is satisfied that this pollutant linkage presents a significant possibility of significant harm being caused to that receptor.
Contaminated land location plan: Saltmeadows Riverside (PDF, 124 KB)(opens new window)
Pollutant linkage
Elevated levels of Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins (PCDD) and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans (PCDF), Arsenic
Ingestion of soil, dermal contact, Contaminated Surface Run-Off, Contamination of Groundwater
Human beings, River Tyne, aquatic and terrestrial life on the River Tyne shore.
Evidence on which the determination is based
The Saltmeadows Riverside site has a long history of industrial use, dominated by the chemical industry since the mid 19thcentury. The main activities were production of sodium carbonate and sodium hydroxide for the soap and glass industries, and the manufacture of inorganic and organic chemicals, wood pulp, paper, soap and detergents. These industries closed after the First World War, with the site being reclaimed in the 1960 and 1970s. The site contamination has originated from the deposition of by-products produced by the former chemical works. Site investigation confirmed the presence of these chemicals.
Remediation and Validation
During 2007 - 2009 small areas of heavily-contaminated soils were removed and other areas rendered safe to the public by sealing in the contaminated soil under deep layers of proven clean topsoil / subsoil to form grassed areas. Access to some areas of the Riverside has been further restricted by fencing and hedges.