Academy21 Limited
Academy21 have designed their curriculum to be both challenging and inclusive. They aim to provide pupils with carefully selected content and skills that will help them fulfil their potential, while also engaging them in their academic and personal development. Their approach is closely aligned with their broader ethos, which you can learn more about on their website.
The curriculum is specifically designed to help re-engage pupils who may have lost interest in learning and to build their confidence and resilience so that they can return to traditional classroom settings. They prioritise enabling successful transitions, whether that means helping pupils return to mainstream schools, or supporting them as they move on to new educational or employment opportunities post-GCSEs.
Academy21 take inclusivity seriously and work hard to meet the diverse needs of pupils, including those with mental health challenges, behavioural difficulties, medical conditions, or other special educational needs. Across the board, their teaching approach is adaptive, ensuring that their curriculum is accessible and engaging for pupils from all backgrounds and contexts.
Academy21 works with a range of pupils from broad and diverse backgrounds including, but not limited to:
- anxiety
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- autism
- behavioural (excluded or at risk of exclusion/poor school attendance)
- dyslexia
- dyspraxia
- learning disabilities
- neurodiversity
- physical/mobility difficulties
- social, emotional, mental health needs (SEMH)
Suitable ages ranges
Academy21 can accept children from Year 7 (age 11) to Year 11 (age 16)
Qualifications available
Academy21 offers a range of courses that provide the opportunity for pupils to achieve nationally recognised GCSE and Functional Skills qualifications. They are not a registered exam centre and Academy21 does not directly receive any examination results.
All pupils stay on roll with their school or Local Authority and are entered by their exam officer to sit locally under normal exam conditions. We provide dedicated support through the examination entry process, and it is a mandatory requirement for enrolment to Academy21 that any pupil in the exam year has a nominated exams officer for us to liaise and work with.
Key Stage 3 courses
- Maths
- English
- Science
- Humanities & Citizenship
- Well-being Workshops
- Study Skills
Key Stage 4 courses
- Maths (GCSE)
- English Language (GCSE)
- English Literature (GCSE)
- Combined Science (GCSE)
- Triple Science (Top-up) GCSE
- Citizenship Studies (GCSE)
- History (GCSE)
- Everyday Science (Entry Level)
- Maths (Functional Skills Level 1)
- English (Functional Skills Level 1 & Level 2)
- Digital Skills (Functional Skills Level 1 & Level 2)
- IT (Cambridge Nationals Level 1 & Level 2)
- IT (Cambridge Nationals Level 2)
- Well-being Workshops
- Study Skills
About the teaching
Academy21 is an online education provider that does not have any physical locations for learners to attend. Learners remain on the roll of their school, or the Local Authority and they retain responsibility for delivering the full-time statutory education offer and all other duties in respect of the learner.
The provision can be delivered anywhere that has access to a laptop or computer and a suitable broadband connection. This can be a dedicated room within the learner's school, the learner's home, or another approved centre for example a library.
It is the responsibility of the commissioning team to perform a thorough risk assessment of the site where the learner will be accessing the provision before the support commences. We are available to provide input on any aspects of the risk assessment that require our support.
Teaching is delivered with a maximum group size of 15 learners.
The commissioning team can select individual subjects for each learner, allowing you to build up their timetable as needed.
One subject provides 2hrs 40mins live learning plus 2hrs independent work per week (Total - 4hrs 40mins learning time). This is delivered Monday - Thursday. Three subjects provide 8hrs live learning plus 6hrs independent work per week (Total - 14hrs learning time). This is delivered Monday - Thursday.
Lessons are timetabled throughout the school day (9:05am to 12:10pm, lunch, 12:50pm to 3:55pm)
Academy21 operates a 38-week academic year, and courses are only available during term time. They accept referrals throughout the academic year from Schools, Education Organizations, and Local Authorities. An efficient online referral form guarantees a swift conclusion of the referral process, typically within two working days.
Academy21 allow the commissioning of individual subjects per learner per week. Subject lessons are delivered Monday - Thursday and comprise of:
- 4 x 40-minute live lessons per week delivered by QTS subject specialists
- 4 x 30-minute teacher-assessed supported independent work per week after every live lesson to reinforce understanding.
- online lesson archive accessible for pupils outside of lessons to consolidate learning.
access to Inspired AI, powered by Century AI, which offers learners a personalised pathway of micro lessons with real-time assessment and feedback aligned to their courses and managed by the teacher
Commissioning Options
Pay As You Go (PAYG)
Minimum term - 1 week
Payment terms - monthly in arrears
£68.00 per week per subject per learner (Ex VAT)
Half termly in advance (HTIA)*
Term - 6 weeks
Payment terms - pay in advance (30 days from receipt of valid invoice)
£390.00 per subject per learner (Ex VAT) - equivalent to £65.00 per week per subject per learner (Ex VAT)
Termly in advance (TIA)*
Term - 12 weeks
Payment terms - pay in advance (30 days from receipt of valid invoice)
£744.00 per subject per learner (Ex VAT) - equivalent to £62.00 per week per subject per learner (Ex VAT)
Annual In Advance (AIA)*
Term - 38 weeks
Payment terms - pay in advance (30 days from receipt of valid invoice)
£2,014.00 per subject per learner (Ex VAT) -equivalent to £53.00 per week per subject per learner (Ex VAT)
* If a young person leaves the provision early, the service can be transferred to another young person and tailored to meet their individual need including changing subjects, timetables, and Key Stages.
How to apply for a place for a student
We accept referrals throughout the academic year from Schools, Education Organizations, and Local Authorities. Our efficient online referral form guarantees a swift conclusion of the referral process, typically within two working days.
On referral, we ask the commissioning team to share background information, including but not limited to existing assessment data, attendance data, and professional reports. This information is used to create a personalised curriculum and timetable to suit the learner's individual needs.
Any expected outcomes and any other matters that might relate to a learner's provision are shared with their teachers so that an individual and informed teaching and learning strategy can be developed with their needs at the centre.
As part of our onboarding process, we require the details of a nominated Learning Mentor (LM). The LM is the point of contact for our teachers who will ensure regular feedback and communication relating to a young person's progress, behaviour, and well-being.
Contact with schools
Attendance and non-attendance data for all pupils are available through the secure online mentor portal. As soon as a pupil enters the classroom, attendance is taken automatically and recorded in the mentor portal 1 minute into each lesson. The portal is then updated at 5 and 15 minutes to show the mentor if the student is present or late to class. After each lesson, a final update is captured to record any attendance changes.
We monitor progress using a range of assessment tools and methods. Formative assessments include questions answered and independent work completed during lessons. We provide a grade for every lesson for Effort, Understanding and Interaction. Answers given through the targeted extension activities identify strengths, weaknesses, and target areas for support. Summative assessments are used to provide regular data and progress tracking.
Half-termly and full-termly reports provide current and target grades to complement feedback commentary. Full-term reports also include predicted grades and teacher comments for greater depth.
Other relevant information
Ofsted registered
Academy21 have current public liability cover and insurance certificates are displayed.
They also have current employee liability cover.
Academy21 have a compliant safeguarding policy in place which is reviewed yearly.
Pre-employment checks are carried out in line with guidance.
The provision has a designated safeguarding lead and there is regular training for all staff at the provision.
Health and safety
Academy21 have a health and safety policy in place with a designated member of staff trained to Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) standard.
They have full risk assessment for the online training and remote working.
Data protection
Academy21 have a data retention policy in place which is reviewed regularly.
They have a privacy notice in place that explains how they collect, use and protect people's personal data.
Compliments and complaints
There is a compliments and complaints policy and procedure in place.
Sixth Floor
3 Burlington Gardens
United Kingdom