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Our commissioning approach for adults, children and families in Gateshead - commissioning priorities 2024-2025


This document sits alongside Our Commissioning Approach and will be reviewed on an annual basis.

A number of key user groups and service areas have been identified as priorities for the Commissioning Service in the forthcoming year:

  • Home Care for older and disabled people
  • residential and nursing care for adults
  • a Gateshead System approach to meeting the needs of children and adults with autism
  • SEND and alternative education provision
  • local, high quality registered residential care for children
  • sustainable homes and support for adults and children with complex behaviour related needs with a focus on transition
  • Foster Care sufficiency
  • sufficiency in relation to working age adults with enduring Mental Health Needs

This does not represent an exhaustive list of planned activity during the course of the year but provides a focus on some of the more significant areas of commissioning work to be undertaken.

A number of key themes have also been identified, that will influence our commissioning activity:

  • community based solutions, reducing demand for formal care for adults
  • information, advice and signposting
  • Self Directed Support
  • caregivers including young carers
  • technology enabled care and communities
  • regional collaboration and engagement
  • engagement and co-production
  • community based, low intensity and free services
  • placement sufficiency for children and young people in the care of Gateshead Local Authority
  • sufficiency of short break provision for Disabled Children