Our commissioning approach for adults, children and families in Gateshead
Policy and legislative context
Care Act 2014
Consolidating legislation for adult social care and introducing key imperatives and expectations, based on projection of need, demand and other factors.
Children Act 1989
As amended provides overarching structure for children's social care and safeguarding duties and practice.
Children and Families Act 2014
Revised the law governing SEND and introducing some wider duties for children's services authorities and other agencies.
Adult Social Care Reform 2022 onwards
Introducing significant changes to the way social care services may be funded and organised, along with regulation/inspection of ASC authorities. Some provisions subject to delays.
Mental Health Acts
Complex legislative framework for statutory mental health provision for adults and children including assessment, detention, treatment, aftercare, statutory protections, criminal justice.
Supported Accommodation Regulations 2023
Introduced registration of services for 16-17 year olds and associated quality standards.
Ofsted Inspection of Children's Services
Established programme of visits and inspections, including full ILACS inspections and thematic visits, most recently to Gateshead system partners for SEND.
CQC Assurance of Adult Social Care Authorities
New programme of full inspection visits from 2023.
People at the Heart of Care
Part of social care reforms from 2022.
Mental Capacity Act 2005
Consolidates law of mental capacity including decisions about capacity and best interests and incorporating DOLS provision, in context of ECHR. Reinvigorates role of Court of Protection and Office of Public Guardian.
Equality Act 2010
Updates and consolidates previous legislation on equality, establishing concept of protected characteristics.
Children's Sufficiency
Strategic obligation on children's services authorities to ensure current and future sufficiency of accommodation, care and support for children in care or in need.
Subsidy Controls Regime
New UK legislation 2023 replacing state aid rules within EU law.
Procurement Regulations
Comprehensive framework governing procurement of products and services by UK public bodies. New regulations scheduled for 2024.