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Communities and Environment Enforcement Policy


1.1 This policy outlines Gateshead Council's approach to dealing with non-compliance with the legislation it enforces.

1.2 It is a policy which applies to all teams within the Communities and Environment Directorate, with the exception of Car Parking Enforcement, as listed below:

  • Private Sector Housing
  • Trading Standards
  • Environmental Health
  • Environmental Protection
  • Environmental Enforcement
  • Licensing 
  • Planning Enforcement
  • Building Control

1.3 It should be noted that additional team-specific policies might exist which outline the processes that all officers operating within that team will follow when deciding what enforcement action to take. Where such policies exist, they should be read alongside this policy.

1.4 The purpose of this policy document is to set out what those being regulated, residents of the Borough and the public can expect from our enforcement teams. Its aim is to ensure that our regulatory inspections and enforcement is carried out in a way that is transparent, accountable, proportionate, consistent, in accordance with relevant legislation, guidance and codes, and in a manner that will stand up to scrutiny from all persons, businesses or agencies affected by our actions and decisions. 

1.5 All enforcement officers will have regard to this policy when exercising their duties. The Authority will ensure that its officers have the necessary knowledge and skills to be able to do their job effectively and this includes having an understanding of those they regulate. 

1.6 In devising this policy reference has been made to the Regulators Code (opens new window) , the Legislative and Regulatory Reform Act 2006 (opens new window), the Crown Prosecution Service's Code for Crown Prosecutors (opens new window), and Corporate Complaints