Finding the right help (parents / carers)
Our Family Hubs are often the best place to seek help - you can read more about the services on our Family Hubs webpages.
Early Help is about working to support a family as soon as a problem emerges. This could be either through a single service or by agencies working together to make sure families are getting the right help.
This can include advice, advocacy and individual or group support in many different forms. It's about families getting the right help when they need it most.
Early Help can address difficulties with:
- children's behaviour
- family relationships
- parenting
- managing a low income
- home conditions
- getting support from the right professionals.
Early Help is most effective when issues are discussed and explored early with people you are already working with, such as:
- family intervention/support workers
- education - teaching/non-teaching staff
- early years and childcare workers
- health visitors and midwives
- school nurses
- youth workers
- child and adolescent mental health workers
- community/voluntary projects
- domestic abuse workers
Health and wellbeing
Links to local and regional health services.
Newcastle and Gateshead child and adolescent learning disability and mental health services (opens new window)
Growing healthy Gateshead 0-19 Healthy child programme (opens new window)
QE hospital foundation trust (opens new window)
North East and North Cumbria ICS (opens new window)
NHS (opens new window)
Recognise and respond to childhood illness with the Little Orange Book (opens new window).
Toolkit for young people aged 13+ - Little Book of Useful Stuff (opens new window).
Support in your community
Visit OurGateshead (opens new window) for local groups and activities.