Gateshead Armed Forces Network
The Gateshead Armed Forces Network was launched on 13 July 2011 as part of Gateshead's response to the recommendations of the North East Regional Health Overview and Scrutiny Joint Committee.
It was agreed that the network would operate with the following remit:
- act as a forum for improving communication and understanding between various agencies who provide support to the ex-service community and their families
- act as a forum for sharing information about best practice
- assist in the co-ordination of action to reduce any health inequalities which affect members of the ex-service community and their families in Gateshead and between Gateshead and other areas
- assist in the co-ordination of action to improve any services which impact on the health and well-being of the ex-service community in Gateshead
- act as a forum for raising issues of concern for the ex-service community and their families
- consider / discuss updates from the Regional NHS Armed Forces Network
- consider / discuss updates on action to implement the NE Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee recommendations at a regional and local level
- act as a consultation mechanism for local action to implement the NE Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee recommendations
The Network also acts as the mechanism to annually review the actions taken by the Council and partners to implement the Gateshead Armed Forces Community Covenant.
Councillor Stuart Green
Chair of the Gateshead Armed Forces Network and Gateshead Armed Forces Champion
Rachel Mason
Gateshead Armed Forces Officer Lead - co-ordinates the work of the Network