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Putting people and families at the heart of everything we do

Our teams

Our work aligns with the council's Thrive agenda which aims to put people and families at the heart of everything we do.

We offer care, support and advice services to meet our legal requirements to adults in need of help. We also provide a range of preventative services which aim to support people to live independently and improve their wellbeing.

People accessing adult social care may have one or more of the following needs; physical disability, learning disability, autism, mental health, care leaver, ex forces, carer, homelessness, drug and alcohol misuse, debt issues or unemployment.

Our adult social care direct team is the first point of contact for care and support advice.

Assessment and care planning -  our social care teams assess an adult's care and support needs to see if they are eligible for social care services. We will develop a Care and Support Plan to meet eligible needs and review this regularly. We use a conversational approach to focus on a person's strengths and community.

Our Enablement and Independence Service works with people to regain and maintain independence through:

  • supporting older people to stay in their own homes by ensuring holistic hospital discharges.
  • preventing unnecessary admissions to hospital and residential care.
  • providing tech enabled support to vulnerable people across Gateshead, giving peace of mind to service users and their family members

We also support people with disabilities to be active in their communities. We do this through citizenship, employment, enterprise or volunteering opportunities.

Assessment, care planning and management services

  • Single Point of Access Team assess, source support, and review services of adults and carers with eligible needs under the Care Act 2014.
  • Locality Teams oversee care management across the borough. They complete complex assessments, care plans and interventions. They also review complex physical and organic mental health needs.
  • Mental Health Team undertake specialist assessment of mental health needs.
  • Safeguarding Team oversees all adult safeguarding concerns on behalf of the local authority.
  • Adult Service Support and Engagement Team (ASSET) provides early intervention and support.
  • DoLS - Deprivation of Liberty / BIA - Best Interest Assessment Team carry out BIA assessments, BIA reviews and Care Act reviews of those in a residential or nursing home.
  • QE Hospital Team assess people aged 18+ with a physical and mental health need to support effective safe discharge from hospital.

Enablement and Independence Service

  • Blaydon Lodge - provides short breaks for people with a learning disability/complex need that live at home with their carers.
  • Domiciliary Care (PRIME - People Regaining Independence by Means of Enablement) - operates a seven-day service during the hours of 7am to 11pm for up to 6 weeks. This service provides direct care and support within your own home.
  • GATES - Gateshead Access to Employment Service - offer recruitment and training support to people with disabilities to gain and maintain employment.
  • Enterprises - offers opportunities to people with autism and learning disabilities to gain valuable work experience in preparation for employment.
  • Care Call - our tech enabled care service provides support to over 8,500 vulnerable individuals across Gateshead, and offers technology enabled support to give peace of mind for both service users and family members.
  • Activity Based Care 
  • Independent Living Schemes
  • Promoting Independence Centre - builds skills and confidence, supporting people to continue living independently once they return home from hospital.
  • Shared Lives - Shared Lives carers offer longer term, short break and Flexible hour arrangements to support vulnerable people aged 16+. Shared Lives carers help individuals to learn new skills and become as independent as possible, sharing their home and time with someone who needs support.