Renew your vows
A renewal of vows ceremony is an occasion where a married couple who wish to renew their marriage vows can celebrate with family and friends. A ceremony can be arranged for a married couple at any stage of their marriage. It may be an opportunity to commemorate a special anniversary such as 10th, 25th, 40th or 50th. A couple may wish to celebrate a renewed commitment to each other after a period of difficulty.
Many couples who marry abroad wish to renew their vows back home with family and friends who were unable to attend the original marriage ceremony.
Ceremonies may take place at Gateshead Civic Centre and at a number of other venues.
If you are interested in celebrating a special anniversary by renewing your marriage or partnership vows please contact the Superintendent Registrar for advice.
Contact us
Gateshead Council
Civic Centre
Regent Street
0191 433 3000