Bins and recycling
Before you make a complaint about bins and recycling you might find what you need to report or request by using one of these options. Please only report an issue to us once. We aim to try to sort your issue out quickly and informally by providing information or taking any appropriate action.
Make a complaint
Please check the options above before proceeding to make a complaint.
Give a compliment
Let us know if you have something positive to say about this service area.
By using one of the options above you're helping us free up our phone lines for urgent matters and for those who don't have access to a computer.
If you are unable to find an answer or would prefer to speak to someone you can contact us Monday to Thursday 8.45am to 5pm, Friday 8.45am to 4.30pm.
☎ 0191 433 7000
Ask us about support available for people who need an interpreter or a British Sign Language interpreter.